Purchase and sale of new and used buses
VBI Group is an abbreviation for Vejstruprød Bus Import ApS.
The company was founded in 1980 and has since developed into having several branches.
Kongensgade 38
6070 Christiansfeld
Tlf: +45 74 56 13 26
Fax: +45 74 56 06 51
e-mail: info@busimport.dk
Gierłatowo 10A
62-330 Nekla
Tel.: +48 61 438 69 05
Fax. +48 61 438 69 79
Mobile.: +48 797 586 624
Erhvervspark 1, Kliplev
6200 Aabenraa
Produktion af nye minibusser
Tom Z. Jepsen:
Mobile: +45 20 68 78 55
E-mail: tzj@busimport.dk